2735 TCS Answers : Sexual Harassment Success (LCS WBT Course ID 2735 TCS)

The LCS WBT Course ID 2735 TCS Answers, TCS explores crucial aspects of workplace conduct, with a focus on sexual harassment. This article provides insights into key 2735 TCS Answers related to the definition, boundaries, employer responsibilities, and legal consequences associated with sexual harassment.

2735 TCS Answers
2735 TCS Answers

2735 TCS Answers

Question 1

Sexual harassment includes which of the following?
Answer: Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. It includes behaviors like sexual comments, jokes or innuendos, offensive sexual gestures, displaying sexually explicit pictures, sending inappropriate messages or content via digital channels.

Question 2

Which of the following does not constitute sexual harassment?
Answer: Consensual romantic relationships between adults do not constitute sexual harassment. Other behaviors like unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors in return for job benefits, displaying sexually explicit pictures without consent, etc. do constitute sexual harassment.

Question 3

An employee files a complaint of sexual harassment against another employee. What steps should the employer take?
Answer: When an employee files a complaint of sexual harassment, the employer should:
  1. Conduct a fair investigation of the complaint in a timely, thorough and confidential manner
  2. Give both parties a chance to be heard before making a decision
  3. Take appropriate action against the harasser if the complaint is found to be true
  4. Prevent any retaliation against the complainant
  5. Maintain records of the proceedings
  6. Create awareness about policies and mechanisms to report harassment

Question 4

What are the consequences of sexual harassment for the harasser as per law?
Answer: As per law, the consequences of sexual harassment for the harasser include:
  • Criminal prosecution under Indian Penal Code sections like outraging modesty, assault, criminal intimidation etc.
  • Fine and/or imprisonment as decided by court
  • Civil lawsuits for damages, compensation by the victim
  • Disciplinary action like warning, transfer, suspension, termination of employment by the employer
  • Negative impact on the harasser’s career and reputation

Question 5

What steps should the complainant take if she/he faces retaliation for filing a complaint of sexual harassment?
Answer: If the complainant faces retaliation for filing a complaint of sexual harassment, she/he should:
  1. Report the retaliatory behavior to the appropriate authority like the Internal Complaints Committee immediately.
  2. Document all incidents of retaliation with dates, times, witnesses etc. to strengthen the case.
  3. Seek legal counsel and file a suit against the employer for violating anti-retaliation laws.
  4. Contact women’s commissions, local authorities or police in case of threats or criminal intimidation.
  5. File a complaint with appropriate regulatory bodies like the courts.

Question 6

What are the key elements of an effective anti-sexual harassment policy as per law?
Answer: As per law, an effective anti-sexual harassment policy should include:
  1. A definition of sexual harassment as per the POSH Act
  2. Clear reporting mechanisms and responsible authorities
  3. Timeframes for resolution of complaints
  4. Protection against retaliation
  5. Awareness programs for sensitizing employees
  6. Third party participation in the ICC
  7. Details of penalties for violations
  8. Mechanism for course correction if required

Question 7

What are the key responsibilities of an employer as per the POSH Act?
Answer: As per the POSH Act, key responsibilities of an employer include:
  • Providing a safe work environment free from harassment
  • Displaying the sexual harassment policy at a conspicuous place
  • Organizing workshops and awareness programs
  • Conducting proper enquiries into complaints
  • Ensuring support and protection to complainants
  • Taking action against those indulging in victimization
  • Submitting annual reports about complaints to district officers

Question 8

What is the role of an Internal Complaints Committee?
Answer: The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is responsible for handling sexual harassment complaints in an organization. Its key roles include:
  • Receiving complaints of sexual harassment at the workplace
  • Initiating and conducting inquiry as per the Complaints and Enquiry procedure
  • Submitting findings and recommendations of enquiries
  • Assisting complainants in formal police complaint
  • Maintaining strict confidentiality throughout the process
  • Creating awareness about the sexual harassment policy
I have included the relevant questions and answers from the LCS WBT Course ID 2735 TCS with headings and keywords as you requested. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.

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