RateGain Code Rangers: A Gateway to Success Coding Skills 2023

RateGain Code Rangers: RateGain, a pioneering travel and hospitality technology company, hosts an annual hackathon named Code Rangers. This event is a remarkable opportunity for students and young developers to demonstrate their coding proficiency and problem-solving prowess while vying for enticing prizes in RateGain Code Rangers.

RateGain Code Rangers
RateGain Code Rangers

The Path to Participation: Registration Process in RateGain Code Rangers

Simplified Registration

The registration process for Code Rangers is straightforward. Aspiring participants need to visit the official competition page on Unstop.com, using the provided link. Here, all pertinent details about the hackathon are available, encompassing eligibility criteria, problem statements, important dates, and more.

Eligibility Criteria: Who Qualifies?

Final Year BE/BTech Students

Only final year BE/BTech students from the 2024 batch are eligible to apply for Code Rangers. Additionally, the candidate must be an Indian citizen and should not have any pending academic backlogs. Importantly, a student can only participate as part of one team.

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Navigating the Competition: Structure and Rounds

The Three-Stage Challenge

Code Rangers comprises three challenging rounds, each designed to progressively evaluate participants’ skills and ingenuity.

Round 1 – Preliminary Round

In the initial round, each registered team must engage in an online quiz. This quiz consists of 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and 1 coding question, to be completed within 45 minutes. The primary objective of this round is to assess the fundamental programming skills and knowledge of the participants. Only the top-scoring teams will advance to the next round.

Round 2 – Detailed Submission

The shortlisted teams from the preliminary round will receive two problem statements related to technology and coding. They are tasked with creating a 5-8 slide PowerPoint presentation and a 2-minute video pitch to elucidate their proposed solution. Although coding the solution is optional, teams must comprehensively describe it in their presentation. The submissions that stand out will proceed to the grand finale.

Round 3 – Grand Finale

The apex of the competition is the grand finale, where the highest-scoring teams from the previous round are invited to the on-ground event held at RateGain’s headquarters in Noida. Here, teams are required to deliver live demos and presentations of their final solutions before a panel of esteemed judges. It is in this grand finale that the victor will be crowned.

The Rewards: Prizes and Recognition

Claim Your Prizes

Code Rangers presents an enticing array of rewards for the participants who distinguish themselves.

Cash Prizes

The top three winning teams stand a chance to win substantial cash prizes. The grand finale victor secures INR 1,50,000, the first runner-up receives INR 75,000, and the second runner-up is awarded INR 50,000. Moreover, every participant receives a participation certificate to commemorate their involvement.

The Theme and Challenge: A Cookieless World

A Timely Theme

The theme for this edition of the RateGain Code Rangers competition is “A Cookieless World.” Teams are tasked with devising a solution to address the challenges posed by a cookieless future of the internet, all while upholding privacy and personalization.

The Problem to Solve: Navigating the Cookieless Landscape

The Challenge at Hand

With regulations such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) limiting the use of cookies, companies find themselves in need of alternative methods to identify users and deliver personalized experiences without compromising privacy. The competition urges participants to ideate and craft solutions that tackle these complexities.

A Recap of the Rounds and Prizes

Round 1 (Preliminary Quiz)

This round entails 10 MCQ questions and 1 coding question to be completed within 45 minutes online. Only the cream of the crop will advance to the next stage.

Round 2 (Detailed Submission)

Shortlisted teams are entrusted with solving a problem statement. They must submit a 5-8 slide PowerPoint presentation and a 2-minute video pitch to explain their solution. The most innovative submissions will secure a place in the grand finale.

Round 3 (Grand Finale)

The grand finale invites the top teams to present their solutions in person at RateGain’s Noida office before a panel of judges. The winners will be unveiled at this momentous event.


Cash prizes amounting to ₹1,50,000, ₹75,000, and ₹50,000 await the top three winning teams, in addition to special rewards and participation certificates.

Initiating the Journey: How to Register

Participating in Code Rangers

Are you ready to embark on the Code Rangers journey? Here’s how to get started:


  1. Begin by accessing the competition page on Unstop.com through the provided link.
  2. Click the ‘Register’ button and supply your personal details, including your name, email, and phone number.
  3. You have the option to register individually or form a team comprising 2-3 members. Ensure that all team members register under the same team name.
  4. Thoroughly verify that all entered details are accurate before submitting your registration, as changes to team members will not be permitted at a later stage.

Seize the Opportunity

The RateGain Code Rangers competition presents an unparalleled chance for students to not only exhibit their coding aptitude and problem-solving acumen but also to forge connections with one of India’s premier travel tech companies. With the guidance provided here, you’re well-equipped to take the first step on this exciting journey. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to shine as a coding ranger!

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