Wipro PJP Exam – A Complete Guide for Success

The Wipro Programming and Java Proficiency (PJP) exam serve as a vital assessment for freshers for software engineer roles at Wipro Technologies. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the Wipro PJP exam, including its format, syllabus, preparation tips, and more.

Wipro PJP Exam
Wipro PJP Exam

Exam Format

The Wipro PJP exam adopts an online, time-bound format with a diverse set of question types. Key details include:

  • Total Duration: 2 hours
  • Number of Questions: Around 80-100
  • Question Types:
    • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
    • Code Coding/Debugging Questions
    • Algorithm Questions
  • Marking Scheme: Varied marks based on difficulty level
  • Result: Marks scored out of the total marks

The exam spans core Java, data structures, algorithms, object-oriented programming, and software engineering principles, testing both conceptual understanding and coding proficiency.

Syllabus and Topics Covered

To excel in the Wipro PJP exam, candidates must master the following topics:

Java Fundamentals:

  • Core Java
  • OOPs concepts
  • Abstract classes and interfaces
  • Strings, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer
  • Arrays, arraylists, linked lists, and collections
  • Generics
  • Exception handling

Data Structures:

  • Arrays, Stacks, Queues
  • Linked Lists (singly, doubly)
  • Trees (binary tree, binary search tree)
  • Hashing, Heap, Graphs


  • Searching algorithms
  • Sorting algorithms
  • Recursion
  • Time and Space complexity

Software Engineering Concepts:

  • Design Patterns
  • Version control (Git)
  • Unit Testing
  • Database Basics (SQL)

Preparation Strategy

Effectively prepare for the Wipro PJP exam with these strategies:

  1. Thorough Java Learning:
    • Read a good Java book or online tutorials for a clear understanding of basics.
  2. Daily Coding Practice:
    • Solve coding problems on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and GeeksforGeeks.
  3. Pattern Reference:
    • Utilize resources like interviewbit, leetcode patterns for common coding interview patterns.
  4. Concise Revision:
    • Create short revision notes or flashcards for quick review.
  5. IDE Familiarity:
    • Code in an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, and get comfortable with debugging tools.
  6. Time Management:
    • Practice coding problems under time constraints to adapt to exam conditions.
  7. Learn Git and Testing:
    • Gain proficiency in Git version control and basics of unit testing frameworks.
  8. Mock Tests:
    • Solve mock tests and previous year papers for exam strategy and timed practice.
  9. Stay Calm:
    • Remain calm on the exam day, read questions carefully, and manage time effectively.
  10. Continuous Practice:
    • Keep practicing even after the exam to enhance skills for interviews.

Sample Questions: Wipro PJP Exam

Prepare for the Wipro PJP exam with these sample question types:

  • MCQ:
    • Which mechanism allows sending data from one thread to another in Java?
      • a) wait() and notify()
      • b) yield()
      • c) join()
      • d) sleep()
  • Coding Question:
    • Write a program to reverse a String using StringBuilder.
  • Algorithm Question:
    • Design an algorithm to find pairs in an array whose sum is equal to a given number ‘x’.
  • Debugging Question:
    • Given a code snippet, find and fix the bug in it.
  • Conceptual Question:
    • Explain the Singleton design pattern with an example.

Important Tips

Boost your preparation with these general tips:

  • Manage time effectively during the exam.
  • Don’t spend too much time on a single question; move on if stuck.
  • Check for negative markings; attempt all questions for maximum score.
  • Write clean, optimized, and well-commented code during coding questions.
  • Cross-check answers before submission to avoid mistakes.
  • Take short breaks for better focus and mind refreshment.
  • Stay updated on exam date/pattern changes through portals and notifications.

Post-Examination Steps

After the exam, follow these steps in the selection process:

  • Result declaration in 1-2 weeks; check the portal or account for results.
  • Shortlisted candidates may undergo technical and HR rounds during joining.
  • Clearance of all selection rounds is necessary before a formal offer.
  • Joining formalities include document verification, medical checkup, and background checks.
  • Continue preparing for other company exams to maximize job opportunities.

The Wipro PJP exam stands as a crucial gateway to a software engineer position at Wipro. With consistent practice following the provided strategies and resources, candidates can excel. The key lies in a comprehensive understanding of core Java and DS/algorithms, coupled with a positive mindset on the examination day. This article aims to cover all aspects of the Wipro PJP exam to facilitate effective preparation. Best of luck in your tech career!

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