Wipro, one of the largest IT companies in India, has reportedly introduced a new bench policy where BSc, BCA and MCA graduates who remain unassigned to client projects after a certain duration will be laid off. Wipro New Bench Policy is very stick and layoff more than 1 lakh BSC , BCA and Btech and MCA grads student .
Wipro New Bench Policy ?
BSc and BCA graduates who have completed their training but remain unassigned to projects for more than 30 days will be laid off.
The bench time allowed for BTech and MCA graduates before layoff is 90 days.
This applies to fresh recruits who are currently in the bench after completing their onboarding training.
The goal is to optimize resource utilization by freeing up bench space for employees who can be deployed to projects sooner.
It is part of Wipro’s ongoing restructuring and cost optimization efforts to adapt to changing market conditions.
While BTech and MCA graduates are granted a 90-day grace period on the bench, BSc and BCA graduates are subjected to a more stringent 30-day timeline. This move has sparked discussions within the industry about the implications of such a policy on the employment landscape and the future of IT professionals with diverse educational backgrounds.
Why Wipro Layoff ?
Wipro is reportedly planning to lay off employees who have spent more than 90 days in the bench. This includes BCA, BSc and MCA graduates who are unable to find projects within 90 days of completing their training.
According to sources, Wipro has a large number of entry-level employees who are currently bench and this is putting pressure on the company’s costs. There are said to be over 10,000 employees in various benches across the company who are drawing salaries but not billing clients.
The new policy will aim to reduce this bench strength. Any BCA, BSc or MCA employee who fails to get assigned to a project within 90 days of completing their training will be issued a termination letter. Wipro is one of the largest IT recruiters in India and has a high intake of freshers each year. However, with the current slowdown in demand, some freshers are unable to find suitable projects.
The 90 day deadline is an increase from the previous bench time limit of 30 days for BCA/BSc graduates. MCA graduates previously had a 60 day deadline. Wipro feels these extended time periods are still not enough for some employees to secure a project and they are taking up bench costs without contributing to revenue.
The layoffs are expected to start by next month. Employees who are at risk of crossing the 90 day bench period are being notified and given priority for any available openings. However, there is no guarantee that all such employees can be accommodated. Those who remain bench-bound after 90 days will unfortunately have to be laid off as per the new policy.
When ?
The layoffs are expected to start by next month. Employees who are at risk of crossing the 90 day bench period are being notified and given priority for any available openings. However, there is no guarantee that all such employees can be accommodated. Those who remain bench-bound after 90 days will unfortunately have to be laid off as per the new policy.
Wipro is not the first Indian IT firm to layoff bench employees during the current slowdown. Other majors like Cognizant, Infosys, and Tech Mahindra have also trimmed their bench strengths in recent months. With clients delaying and reducing IT spends, demand for freshers has reduced significantly across the industry.
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Options and Support for Affected Employees
If laid off due to bench time limits, here are some potential options Wipro staff may consider:
Apply for any severance or extended healthcare benefits offered by the company.
Explore the internal job portal for any suitable open roles to try avoiding termination.
Reach out to client sponsors or managers for references to other projects.
Leverage professional networks for new opportunities at Wipro itself or other firms.
Consider reskilling or pursuing additional certifications to boost employability.
Consult legal advisors regarding unfair termination practices, if applicable.
Register for government or non-profit outplacement support programs.
Apply for unemployment benefits as per eligibility based on tenure/reasons for layoff.
Stay positive – view it as a chance to explore new career paths outside of bench roles.
Employee unions or advocacy groups may provide counseling or representation support.